Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Review of A Rapper's Ambition

Nabil’s Review

A Rapper’s Ambition is all about ambition for music; it tells a story of a gifted young Asian artist having a desire or ambition should I say to become a successful rapper and make it to the top of the mainstream music industry however overcoming tough obstacles in order to get to the top

Moving on, Our filming started pretty good, we adapted well to the use of the camera and managed to get excellent shots on our villain, however our group was criticised
for having too much footage in dark scenery and we lacked more footage in open light, but we quickly managed to get more footage in light than dark.

However we did struggle during the test screening, our production, compared to the rest was all over the place and like Ajitpal said, we did get A LOT of stick from people and from there on, people began to doubt if we would ever finish on time. This motivated the whole group really which made us commit every single day and evening filming and editing until we had achieved our target of producing the best trailer

Furthermore, we managed to shrug of the criticisms from people and put our heads together and worked thoroughly hard to produce the final piece, everyone in the group did contribute effectively and we implemented all our ideas professionally which was the reason why we did prove everyone wrong (including Mr Bush) and to get the top grade and also the reason why ‘A Rapper’s Ambition’ is in the running to become the best production


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