Thursday 31 January 2008

Progress part 2

well heres antother report, we filmed on monday and yesterday. on Monday we filmed both artists having a showdown, we used a pan movement to show their expression and their facial looks towards each other. we must have taken 25 shots for this as both artists could not stop laughing at each other when they were having the staredown which was pretty funny but in the end we got it done and we got good shots and angles of this. Next we had Avinash stand on top of his dad's prized BMW (haha) with the camera and filmed the asian artist coming out of his house and following him with the camera and then we had the black artist walking near his house and as they past each other, we got a good shots of them looking back at each other so this would build tension, then we zoomed out so we can see both of the artists looking back.

On wednesday's filming, it was pretty straight forward, slough missions we did with the asian artist. we filmed the asian artist in the train writing lyrics and 'spitting' the lines himself and we also got a shot of his notepad and the written lyrics, also in the background there was some graffiti so its creates a good image of what kinda conventin a rap film would bring. we still have to film that scene again because now we have to film more graffiti and more trains going passed. this should be hopefully done tomorrow night down central london (dont ask, i didnt wanna argue) so at the moment.. once again SO FAR SO GOOD and our rhythm is smoooth and going well. safeeeee

Nableeeeee (Nabil)

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